OTT Take 2: Day 5: Bend to Suttle Lodge
Because of our detour through Bend, we had bonus miles for the day. Luckily there is an amazing connection of gravel roads that leads into Sisters that just mean a lot of pedaling but not a lot of struggle. We made it to Sisters with pretty good time. I had been having trouble with my crank clicking and some shifting and needed new gloves so made my way to the Blazing Saddles Bike Shop in Sisters. They were great about getting my bike in right away and working on it while everyone else went next door to the grocery to get some resupply.
Motoring into Sisters
After some tasty BBQ Chipotle Chicken bowls and watermelon slaw and rice from the food carts we kept on trucking to Suttle Lodge. We knew we were, once again, racing a thunderstorm so we lit a fire under our asses and booked it. There was a lot of single track and short of just general uphill the whole way - the kind that make you tired without you realizing you are working so hard. Toward the end of our day the trail started to weave a bit uphill and I was gassed, but we kept it together. We needed to get to the lodge before it started storming. We pulled into the lodge right as it was starting to blow sideways and started a torrential downpour. We stashed our bikes under a covered patio area and ran inside. Hot Toddies and French Fries ensued and we spent a leisurely time recouping in the lodge, feeling pretty proud of the effort and team work that had just occurred out there.
Suttle Lodge
The rain passed and we had to decide where to dock for the night. As much as we wanted to stay at Suttle, they were all booked for the night, so we went up the road a bit to a campground where there were yurts. Luck was on our side, as there was one Yurt left and we were able to book it. The camp host even gave us some free firewood I think cause she felt sorry for our tired asses. A job well done, we fell asleep in a warm space, ready to hit the day running in the morning!
Lucky Yurt!
Aliza overlooking the valley